Tuesday 16 August 2011

A day A word

adj : lively and full of energy 活泼的;精力充沛
He's surprisingly sprightly for an old man.

Spread like wildfire
idm : (esp rumors, reports,disease) travel,spread etc very fast 蔓延
The news spread like wildfire.

Friday 12 August 2011

A day a word

adj: polite and friendly 谦恭有礼,和蔼可亲
affable to everybody.
2. Easy to talk to 易于交谈的
He found her parents very affable.

adj : rich;prosperous 富裕
His parents were very affluent.
Affluence (n) : abundance of money, goods or property; wealth

v: make (sth) less severel ease 减轻;缓和
The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs.

A day a word

v: (infml) Carry (sth) 携带(某物)
I've been toting this bag round all day.

1.v: walk or move unsteadily;stangger 走得或动得不稳;螨跚
The child tottered across the room.
2. rock or shake as if about to fall 摇摇欲坠
The tall chimney tottered (to and fro) and then collapsed.
adj: feel faint and tottery

Monday 8 August 2011

A day A word

adj,adv (infml) without order;completely mixed up 杂乱无章;乱七八糟
Files were scattered (all) higgledy-piggledy about the office.

adj,adv in or into a state of disordered confusion 乱七八糟
This suddden development turned al our plans topsy-turvy.

Sunday 7 August 2011

A day A word

Scrumptious (adj) (imfl) : (esp of food) delicious -What a scrumptious meal!